Viper Central
Vancouver, Canada
Expect virtuosic chops on the fiddle, mandolin, guitar, banjo and dobro from this energetic band as they rip through classic and original bluegrass pieces at barn-burning tempos. Although, the thing that makes this band truly unique and exciting, is how far they're able to wander from their home as a bluegrass band, turning the genre on its ear, while remaining true to their roots.
As a group of young friends who joined forces in their 20s to shake up the BC bluegrass scene, Viper Central gained a reputation as an excellent bluegrass band at festivals throughout western Canada. They quickly took to the road, touring the west coast of the United States, UK, and continental Europe, half a dozen times. A decade later, the group has found a maturity and confidence in their sound.
Find out more about Viper Central here.